Museum Object Number1967.2114 |
Print (Mezzotint)
The R\t Hon:\ble Countess of Ranelagh.
Prints and Maps
Gift of Mrs. Waldron Phoenix Belknap
John Faber Jr. (Mezzotinter)
Sir Godfrey Kneller (Painter)
John Cooper (Publisher)
Faber Jr. was one of London's most prolific mezzotint engravers. He used the "Jr." or "Junr." designation with his name until his father's death in 1721.
16841646c. 1695
17561743after 1754
London, London, England, United Kingdom, Europe
1. Inscription; Lower right; J. Faber fecit.
2. Inscription; Lower left; G. Kneller Bar.\t pinx
3. Inscription; Lower right; J. Cooper Excudit
Ink; Paper
19.1 (H) , 13.2 (W) , 18 (Image H) , 12.1 (Image W)
48.4 (H) , 33.5 (W) , 18 (Image H) , 12.1 (Image W)
Plate H: 18.1 in. (45.9 cm). Plate W: 12.2 in. (31.0 cm).
Cooper, John
London, England, United Kingdom, Europe
From Kneller's "Beauties at Hampton Court" series, entitled: "The Beauties done from the Original Pictures in his Majties Pallace of Hampton Court, by Sr Godbrey Kneller, Bart. late Principall Painter to his Majtie." The original plates were later cut to 3/4 length with titles and the address of Sayer and King, at some point after 1750.
Text available soon.
[Book] Smith, John Chaloner. 1884 British Mezzotinto Portraits; Being a Descriptive Catalogue of These Engravings from the Introduction of the Art to the early part of the present century. 1. 1-460.
• See pp.309-311, no.28.