Museum Object Number1955.0003.002 |
Box (Shaving box)
Gift of Henry Francis du Pont
Ashbil Griswold (Maker)
Ashbil Griswold trained in Thomas Danforth III's shop from about 1798/9 to 1805/6, and possibly worked for Danforth for a year after his apprenticeship was complete, selling pewter in the Baltimore area. In 1808, it appears that Griswold moved to Meriden, Connecticut and established his own shop. Over the next thirty years his shop became larger than all others in Connecticut, save the Boardmans's business in Hartford. By 1830 the shop employed twelve men. Ira Couch was taken into the business as a partner. Many other britannia makers were trained in this shop. Griswold made inexpensive cups in large quantities through the 1820's and 1830's (Mongtomery, p.72). For more on Ashbil Griswold's marks, see C. Jordan Thorn, Handbook of American Silver and Pewter Marks (1949), p.258; Carl Jacobs, Guide to American Pewter (1957), p.101-102; Ebert, Collecting American Pewter (1973), p.132; and Montgomery, History of American Pewter (1973), p.222. See also John Carl Thomas, Connecticut Pewter and Pewterers (1976), p.165-166; Laughlin, Pewter in America (1981), vol.1, p.127-128; J.B. Kerfoot, American Pewter (1942), p.133-134
Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, New England, United States, North America
1. Mark; Underside of base; "A.G" stamped in rectangle.
Pewter; Britannia metal
1.654 (H) , 4.528 (Diam)
4.2 (H) , 11.5 (Diam)
Text available soon.
[Book] Montgomery, Charles F. 1973 A History of American Pewter.
• Published: fig. 12-18 p. 201
[Book] Thomas, John Carl. 1976 Connecticut Pewter and Pewterers.
• Published: Fig. 16, p. 20.
[Book] Brett, Vanessa. 1982 Phaidon Guide to Pewter.
• Similar shaving box on p.184.